Vocal or musical instrument workshop

In a beautiful setting, professional instructors will challenge you and your fellow participations to bring out your enthusiasm and musical talents. By incorporating the natural environment, and making music on location – on top of a rock, under the trees, lying in the grass, between old barn walls – your creativity and musicality will be stimulated, creating a whole new experience and dimension to your music.

Each week a different music instructor will come, allowing you to choose the type of music workshop you would like, such as a vocal or an instrumental workshop. Each teacher has his or her own style, some focusing primarily on improvisation while others work with existing music pieces. For further information, see the instructors section.In general, the workshop will culminate in a creation that will be performed for all participants at the end of the week.

Improvisation is a journey of playful discovery of your musical boundaries. The nice thing about improvisation is that you only have to play what you are able to play. There is no need to worry about making mistakes. Improvisation means letting go of all your concepts and being authentic. This will make your journey effortless and bring much pleasure. But above all, this workshop is about creating and working with music in a relaxed way.

Using existing musical pieces, explanations of chords, structure and scales will be provided. This theoretical knowledge will immediately be applied in practice. Differences in the experience or knowledge level between participants are irrelevant, as each person’s individual qualities will be addressed and everyone can participate at their own level.

What will a music week be like?

You can choose between a seven or ten day workshop week. Each day will consist of two 2.5 hours classes, including a break to catch your breath and have some tea or coffee.

In general, the classes will be in English. See details per instructor to see which languages they speak.

At lunch time, the participants from all different disciplines will come together for a light warm lunch, using local produce whenever possible.

Apart from the classes, everyone is free to do what they want. Who knows what will happen: all kinds of interesting collaborations could develop between different creative disciplines. Or you might want to sit by the campfire enjoying the gorgeous star light night sky or meet new future friends at the breakfast table.

On some days, the morning or afternoon will be reserved for relaxation. You could visit the local market, go on a canoe trip or explore a cave. Or you could choose to chill out and spend the afternoon reading a good book on the banks of the Dordogne River.

2012-2014 Copyright- Citron & Papillon/ Design by Danielle Kool
vacances d’art au bord de la rivière Dordogne

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