Passion for art

This workshop will be a week of extremes, in search of your hidden talents in an inspiring surrounding. The beautiful location will not only be used as a source of inspiration, but also challenge you to integrate it within your creations. Imagine your painting or canvas waiving in the wind rather that hanging on a white wall: the intention of your work is completely transformed and the canvas itself becomes a work of art.

Together with a professional instructor, you will discover and improve you technique and art vision. The starting point is your own talent and style; for more information, please check out the contributors section to see which instructor best suits your personal preferences.

Creating from scratch will be the recurring theme, for example by using natural elements. What could be better than simply using a piece of charcoal from last night’s campfire to create beautiful sketches. Or transforming a piece of wood from the forest into a work of art. In addition to creativity, the workshop will address various techniques, composition, spatial awareness and use of colour.

What will a visual art week be like?

You can choose between a seven or ten day workshop week. Each day will consist of two 2.5 hours classes, including a break to catch your breath and have some tea or coffee.

In general, the classes will be in English. See details per instructor to see which languages they speak.

At lunch time, the participants from all different disciplines will come together for a light warm lunch, using local produce whenever possible.

Apart from the classes, everyone is free to do what they want. Who knows what will happen: all kinds of interesting collaborations could develop between different creative disciplines. Or you might want to sit by the campfire enjoying the gorgeous star light night sky or meet new future friends at the breakfast table.

On some days, the morning or afternoon will be reserved for relaxation. You could visit the local market, go on a canoe trip or explore a cave. Or you could choose to chill out and spend the afternoon reading a good book on the banks of the Dordogne River.

2012-2014 Copyright- Citron & Papillon/ Design by Danielle Kool
vacances d’art au bord de la rivière Dordogne

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